Posts Tagged ‘testimonials’


Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Akbar Simonse. Photo: Bas Bogers.

For the script I’m collecting testimonials for Pictureman. Testimonials are nice remarks and compliments about a person. Like recommendations. In a testimonial you can read what other people think of you and appreciate. You’re characterized by others in a way. Perceptions.
These I found on Akbars profile. Very suitable.

His work is a serious empirical study of our decade.

Day by day he surprises his virtual community with his wonderful, strange, sad and humorous shots.

A real artist, because he does his work obsessive and without the pursuit of profit.

Just knowing, that he has to do what has to be done.

He is a remarkable person. Very gentle.

Watching his endless stream of pictures gives a wonderful image of this modern hectic world.

He has the gift to ‘see’ with his camera what we see through our eyes.

His pictures are real life stories, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always honest.

If I look at his pictures I always get the same feeling: it looks like I’m really there and see what he sees.

He is truly the Father of Digital Photography. Ancient records show; he purchased his first digital camera in 1902, while traveling from Malta, herding wild camels. The Russians were trying to deport him for Multi-tasking, he was chewing gum and smoking at the same time.

Maurits Burgers wrote this testimonial for Pictureman:

Pictureman is the anonymous nominal personification of everybody’s visual internet, the omniverse of photo collections worldwide. He is the non-hero. Everyman.

More testimonials for Pictureman are welcome.

[update] Check Bas Bogers website, including text en video by Maurits Burgers.